November in Review

 November Community Service Hours: 5

Semester Community Service Hours: 10

For this month's community service, I decided to make "Blessing Bags" filled with self-care items to gift to people facing homelessness. This is an activity that I have done before, but this time I conducted some research before constructing the bags to make sure I put appropriate items in each bag. This time around, my research led me to do something I had not thought to do previously, which was to include specific products for feminine hygiene and young children. That being said, I went supply shopping and constructed bags for men, women, and kids. The men's bag included bandages, men's socks, face & body cleansing wipes, lip balm, tissues, a bottle of water, and snacks. The women's bag contained similar items with the addition of menstrual pads, tampons, and feminine cleansing cloths, while the kids' bags included the addition of fruit snacks and baby wipes. After the bags were constructed, I researched local homeless shelters and came across the Ozanam Inn, a nonprofit shelter for the homeless located in downtown New Orleans, where I donated the gifts to. The staff was happy to receive the items and the residents there were very friendly. This is one of my favorite community service activities to do and it was a great feeling to know that I was able to provide much needed items to members of the local community!

This month in Pharmacology, we covered renal and pulmonary pharmacology which was a heavy concept to cover, but enjoyable! I am implementing new study techniques and refining what works for my brain, and I think I am getting the hang of things. I am definitely starting to feel more comfortable when it comes to being introduced to new material because I am able to plan ahead how I will study for it. I have a lot more room to grow when it comes to identifying my study weakness and avoiding distractions, but I am excited about the progress made so far! 

No facility photos were permitted in order to protect the privacy of the residents, so here are photos of the Blessing Bags :)


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