February Update

 February Community Service Hours: 7

Spring Semester Community Service Hours: 12

February already?!?! The time is flying by! This has been a great month, but I'm sad knowing that we are getting closer to the end of our program. It's been such a great journey so far, that's given me so many opportunities to grow in my academics and my community engagement. For this month's service, I worked with Medical Reserve Corps: New Orleans and American Red Cross as a volunteer at the Jackson and St. Charles Mardi Gras First Aid Tent. We got the opportunity to help parade goers by tending to their minor injuries like cuts and bruises and referred more severe injuries (like major falls and head injuries) to New Orleans EMS located across the street. I was a little nervous to volunteer at this location because 5 people were shot a few streets down from where I would be stationed just the day before I was due to be there, but I turned that fear into motivation to be the best volunteer I could be for my team! Thankfully, there weren't any major injuries/mass shootings near the area where I was volunteering, but I was afforded the opportunity to assist my team in treating a patient with a wrist injury and another patient with minor injuries due to a fall. It was a pretty neat experience as I got the chance to do two things I love at once: safely engage in the Mardi Gras tradition and treat patients in need. This is definitely something I would love to do again! 

As for school, we just finished covering the reproductive module and it was BY FAR my favorite module!! Learning about estrogens and how birth control methods work on a more intricate level was so interesting to me and the lectures were super engaging, probably due to my overall interest in women's health. We are now getting into the neurology module and learning about things like anesthetics and conditions that affect the brain like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, which has been a little intimidating to me because it is a lot of information to keep organized in my brain, but I am excited for the challenge. My revised study tactics seem to be working, but I have to keep applying those changes so that I can truly learn the information and not just memorize for the sake of exams. We also covered an independent study about alcohol and alcoholism which came in perfect timing right before spring break (LOL). I am glad we covered this when we did because I just joined a program called "Alcohol Free For 40", which is a challenge to give up alcohol for 40 days to see how our body metrics change/improve. I am glad we covered this when we did because it was an even greater motivator to take on this challenge!  


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