August in Review

August Community Service Hours: 3

This has been a month for new beginnings! I am so excited to be able to say that I am now a grad student! Starting graduate school at Tulane has already begun to be a beautiful adventure: practicing efficient study skills, meeting new friends, and taking the next steps toward becoming a competent healthcare provider. I definitely have my work cut out for me, but I am ecstatic to see what lessons the future will bring.
    The community service event I took part in this month was hosted by my sorority, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., through our initiative "Operation Big Book Bag". The focus of this program is to provide support to school-aged children that are currently facing challenges that could negatively impact their education. This support consists of many different assets including volunteering at educational school events, raising money for essential school supplies, and tutoring.
    For this session, each member constructed 5-7 gift bags filled with school supplies that are of crucial need for students that are in Kindergarten through Grade 8. We chose to donate our crafted bags of school supplies to the students of Dolores T. Aaron Academy in New Orleans, LA. As someone who advocates for the health and well-being of underserved communities and families, I was thrilled to be of service to the children of New Orleans. I thoroughly enjoyed this month's service because I was able to provide support and encouragement to children that live in my community, spread positivity, and bond with fellow members and friends. 


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