January Update

 January Community Service Hours: 5

Spring Semester Total: 5

For this month's community service, I partnered with City Year New Orleans on MLK Day for what they call "A Day On, Not A Day Off" to improve the campus of Mildred Osborne Charter School. There were over 200 volunteers that showed up to help paint murals, tidy up the garden areas and write positive messages on notecards to keep the students motivated. I really enjoyed this service event because I got to meet so many people and hear about their motivations for volunteering, while also improving the school community for students as a way to increase their enthusiasm and pride in the school they attend. This was such a lovely event to be a part of, I even was one of the winners of the raffle for Starbucks gift cards!

I also earned one hour of service learning by attending the orientation for volunteering with New Orleans Medical Reserve Corps. During the orientation, we were taught the proper protocol for volunteering at the First Aid Tent Stations during Mardi Gras in New Orleans. The volunteering shifts begin next month and I am excited to participate!

As for school, we had our first module exam of the spring semester on the endocrine system. I didn’t score as well as I had hoped, but I also did not prepare as much as I should have. I had a bit of trouble getting back into my school routine after being on break, but I am getting back to my routine (and making necessary adjustments) so I can make the most of the remainder of the Pharm program. One of the main improvements I plan on making is the implication of a hour by hour daily schedule. I did a lite version of this in the past and it seemed to help me with staying on task and making sure I complete things on my to do list in a timely fashion. The courses provide everything that I need to master the content, I just need to make sure I do my part! Improvement is soon to come and I can’t wait!


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